Someone's been taking the idea of "integrated marketing" a bit too far

Apologies for the poor quality image, but the fact you can't read the text on this poster, taken in the car park of Harpenden railway station, is kinda the point.

Because it's not really a poster. It's actually a rather dull blog post ("Five ways a TSB mortgage can help you borrow well").

A rather dull blog post blown up and mounted onto a poster for the commuters of Harpenden to ignore after a hard day's bonus-chasing in the City.

Now, we're not massive prescriptivists here at Doris and Bertie. But if there were one rule to follow it'd be this: never, ever let a client put 200 words - 200 words - on a poster.

Whoever's responsible for this complete waste of marketing spend has clearly been to one too many of those Marketing Bollox Fests from which people tweet inanities like:

Keynote speech key takeaway? For key messages, content is key. @brandbolloxguru #MBFLDN2014 #MBF2014

Social/digital are delivering a transformational change in how #brands are consumed offline. #bestpractice #engagement #MBF2014

The brands that survive will be the ones driving sustainable impact in the conversation space #socialmedia #sustainableimpact #MBFLDN2014

All, of course, used to justify the "more is more" approach that inevitably prevails when the marketing bods don't listen to the copywriter.